Thanks for taking the time to review this promotions strategy for your business. I will try to be brief because we have already talked a few times about this campaign.
I think there are three main ways to promote yourself that will be easy to implement: Website, video, giveaways.
Websites are super easy to create when the content is already made. Pictures of your work will easily go into an online portfolio which can then be showcased with your backstory and provide ordering information.
Some of the better websites that I have done recently:
A video that showcases your work can be a huge selling point to consumers. Having that limited edition work be showcased through videos can help to establish credibility. Even if strangers do no see the video without you showing it to them, it can still create a way to communicate with potential buyers and investors. Below are a couple videos I have done that would be in a similar style for you.
Thanks for taking the time to review this promotions strategy for your business. I will try to be brief because we have already talked a few times about this campaign.
I think there are three main ways to promote yourself that will be easy to implement: Website, video, giveaways.
Websites are super easy to create when the content is already made. Pictures of your work will easily go into an online portfolio which can then be showcased with your backstory and provide ordering information.
Some of the better websites that I have done recently:
A video that showcases your work can be a huge selling point to consumers. Having that limited edition work be showcased through videos can help to establish credibility. Even if strangers do no see the video without you showing it to them, it can still create a way to communicate with potential buyers and investors. Below are a couple videos I have done that would be in a similar style for you.
Giveaways will be a great way to send your logo and contact info to people on something they will actually want to keep around like koozies, coasters, glasses, etc. They are a little more expensive than a business card, but won't get lost as easily.
For information about ordering giveaways, check out this website.
To do some research for yourself, check out this website.
Thanks for checking this out, and have a Happy Today!
For information about ordering giveaways, check out this website.
To do some research for yourself, check out this website.
Thanks for checking this out, and have a Happy Today!